President’s Newsletter – April 2011
April 1, 2011

Bill Sutton Scholoarship
ENCTA Members and Colleagues,
The Eastern North Carolina Turfgrass Association is presenting its First Annual Bill Sutton Fishing Trip Raffle for ENCTA members and anyone interested with helping the Bill Sutton Scholarship. Jerry Elliot with Elliott Enterprise Fertilizer Company has graciously offered his services as a Captain on his charter boat “Sudden Impact”. The lucky winner will have an opportunity to take three of his friends on a 3/4 day fishing trip out onto the blue Atlantic Ocean waters off the Morehead City shoreline. Caption Elliot chartered these waters for years and knows where the big fish like to go. This trip is valued at $900.00. The drawing will be December 15th 2011.
All proceeds will go towards the Bill Sutton Scholarship that is given every year. If you are interested, please log on to website and contact any one of our Board members listed in the Directory. Raffle tickets are $10.00 and you can buy as many as you want. Remember anyone can buy a ticket. Download Poster (PDF Format).
I would like to give a special “Thanks” to Jim Hoffman and the Clubhouse staff for the hospitality given at the ENCTA March meeting. The lunch and professionalism shown to the membership was top notch. Tom Reil with North Carolina Lake Management and Cliff Edwards with Premier Ponds gave educational information on topics for aquatic weed control and managing fish and their habitats in ponds and lakes. This is a job well done, guys.
The ENCTA would also like to recognize Roger Olmstead with his new job position at Reedy Creek Golf Club, in Four Oaks, North Carolina. I know the ENCTA membership is happy to have you back in the Eastern Carolina. Also, Brad Brooks, CGCS, former Superintendent at Carolina Colours in New Bern will be stepping in a new adventure with Hendrix and Dail, Inc., located in Greenville, NC. Brad will still be a member of the ENCTA and will offer superintendents all around the area turf management services. Best of luck!
I hope everyone has a great spring season and look forward seeing you at our next meeting.
Drew Ramsey
ENCTA President