Wow, What an interestng year we have had in the Eastern NC Turf Grass Assocation
so far. By having two snow storms, record low temperatures and record high temperatures. We
would like to thank all of our sponsors and memebers for all of their support in 2017 and for their
continued support in 2018. A huge thank you to our outgoing officers and board members Andy
Ipock President, Brian Williams Vice President, David Coley, Josh Purvis and David Smith
Board Members. We would like to welcome Brian Williams President, Kyle Oaks Vice
President, Brad Edens, Will Sutton, and Patrick Conner new Board Members.
We have started our 2018 year off with our annual pesticide conference at Wayne
Community College, hosted by Rob Woods. We had a great turn out this year with speakers Dr.
Rick Brandenburg and Dr. Jim Kerns from NC State University and Chad Coley wih Foster Lake
and Pond Management. Our next meeting will be at Wilson Country Club, hosted by Craig
Clemmer. We have planned out the rest of our meeting schedule for the 2018 year. We look
forward to another successful year with our memebers and sponsors. So Please follow our
Facebook page, our Twitter account and our website at
Brian D. Williams, President
Eastern NC Turf Grass Association