February 18th 2021 – 9:00-11:15 AM
Good afternoon everyone, we have a change in tomorrows pesticide class. We will be doing via zoom. Below is the link. We ask everyone to join the meeting a little early, especially if you’re not familiar with zoom. Allow some extra time to access the meeting. We will be doing role call by asking everyone to hold their license up to camera. We will be monitoring to ensure those participating will get credit. It will be a very informative presentation. There will be time for question and answer after each presentation. Thank you to everyone for their patience and support.
Our guest speakers will be:
Dr. Jim Kerns
Dr. Rick Brandenburg
We would like to invite our members and sponsors to join us in a free, virtual, educational pesticide class. Pesticide Applicator points are contingent on NCDA approval (which has been requested). We will send an email out early next week with the link to join the virtual class.
Good afternoon members, sponsors, and friends. Below is the link for our virtual pesticide class. Class is 9:00-11:15. Thank you for your support. We look forward to a great class.