Buckley Brockmann (President) | Brook Valley CC | 252-945-9158 |
Chris Dunn (Vice President) | Harbour Pointe Golf Club | 252-917-1613 |
Dale Edmonds (Treasurer) | Parks Supt. City of Wilson | 252-205-9925 |
Rob Woods (Secretary) | Wayne Community College | 919-222-5567 |
James Duke (Sgt. At Arms) | Triangle Chemical | 252-883-0396 |
Josh Purvis (Past President) | Carolina Colours Golf Club | 252-876-1224 |
Neil Jones | Buysod | 910-975-0002 |
Evan Jarman | City of Kinston | 252-559-9304 |
TJ Quate | Scott Hall Preserve | 336-549-4747 |
Tyler Sutton | Falling Creek Country Club | 252-560-6476 |
Josh Stutts | The River Golf Club at Lake Royale | 919-330-7777 |
Rodney Crouse | Advance Turf Solutions | 336-409-0990 |
Name | Status | Phone |
Don Jackson |
Retired | 919-658-6824 |
John Hilton | Retired | 304-564-5935 |
John Mills | Retired | 919-648-3535 |
Leon Lucas, Ph. D. | Retired | 919-604-4813 |
Mike VanLandingham | Retired | 252-661-0061 |
Robert Hinton | Retired | 919-630-2650 |
Barefoot, Bo | Retired | 919-901-7348 |
Wetherington, Mickey | Retired | 910-612-1114 |
Name | ||
Ed Snow | ||
Johnson, Joel | ||
Obie Godette | ||
Anderson, Bill – CGCS | CGA Agronomist | 704-363-1381 |
Members | ||
Name | Club / Company | Phone Number |
Adcock, Larry | Revels Turf & Tractor | 919-273-0300 |
Allen, Randy – CGCS | Modern Turf, Inc | 843-424-1901 |
Allison, Austin | City of Goldsboro | 252-521-3380 |
Ancherico, Adam | Eastern Turf Equipment | 910-977-7268 |
Anderson, Rick | Carolina Colours POA | 252-671-0535 |
Anderson, Will | City of Wilson | |
Baker, Dean – CGCS | Mother’s Earth Brewing Company | 252-560-5648 |
Barber, Cameron | Town of Tarboro | 252-563-8481 |
Barnicle, Paul | Mackilwean Turf Farm | 252-637-9261 |
Barwick, John | Buy Sod, Inc | 910-690-7782 |
Bentley, David – CGCS | Scotch Hall Preserve | 252-216-5304 |
Benton, Mark | JRM | 910-712-2680 |
Birkett, Jonathan | North River Club | 252-422-3350 |
Bitzenhofer, Mark | Eagle Ridge Golf Club | 919-896-2278 |
Boman, Torrey | Site One Landscape Supply | 919-625-1058 |
Bowden, David | Roanoke Country Club | |
Boykin, Charles – CGCS | Charlie’s Grinding & Mower Repair | 252-373-2001 |
Briley, Jr. Joseph | 252-695-6133 | |
Britt, Danny | Ironwood Country Club | 252-752-5180 |
Brockmann, Buckley | Brook Valley CC | 252-945-9158 |
Brooks, Brad – CGCS | Tri-Est Ag | 252-717-2177 |
Brown, Neil | Robertsonville Country Club | 252-217-7493 |
Campbell, Patrick | Washington Yacht and CC | 252-945-2285 |
Cambron, Michael | Ewing Irrigation Products | 502-548-3260 |
Carver, Matthew | Advanced Turf Solutions | 336-493-4645 |
Caudle, Will | Fairfield Harbour POA | 252-904-8368 |
Charlton, Duncan | City of Kinston | 252-939-3337 |
Clemmer, Craig | Wilson Country Club | 252-291-1220 |
Coleman, Bobby | City of Wilson | 252-245-2694 |
Coley, David | Belmont Lake Preserve | 252-883-2954 |
Conner, Patrick | Kinston CC | 252-945-5348 |
Cooke, Cale | City of Wilson | 252-883-5597 |
Copley, Cam | Atticus LLC | 630-442-4882 |
Cox, Matthew | ECU | 919-273-6185 |
Crouse, Rodney | Advanced Turf Solutions | 336-493-4645 |
Culclashure, Paul | Kilmarlic Country Club | 252-202-9893 |
Dawson, Bryan | Falling Creek | 252-560-9376 |
Dorsett, Matthew | Belmont Lakes Preserve | 252-883-2954 |
Duff, Neal | Revels Turf & Tractor | 919-906-2073 |
Duke, James | Triangle Chemical | 252-883-0396 |
Dunlap, Shalon | Southern Design Lawn and Landscaping | 919-920-7613 |
Dunn, Chris | Fairfield Harbor CC | |
Edens, Brad | Walnut Creek Country Club | 252-443-0320 |
Edmonds, Dale | City of Wilson | 252-399-2273 |
Edmundson, Lee | Spring Creek HS | 919-222-9286 |
Elliott, Stanley – CGCS | Cypress Landing Golf Club | 252-378-5743 |
Everette, Kip | Halifax Fertilizer Company | 252-445-5174 |
Faircloth, Steve | Eastern Turf Equipment | 919-880-8038 |
Faircloth, Wade | Taberna Country Club | 919-222-7134 |
Fellenstein, Kurt | Trinity Turf | 540-246-1847 |
Fitcher, Jeff | Coastal Floratine | 843-296-8983 |
Fletcher, Reggie | The Sound Golf Links | 252-793-3034 |
Fragale, Frank | River Bend Country Club | 252-638-2819 |
Gaylor, Jeff | Ayden Golf & Country Club | 252-341-1340 |
Gibbs, Jeff | Perfect Turf | 252-795-5123 |
Godette, Obie | Legacy Member | 252-444-1039 |
Gray, Christopher | Gray’s Turf and Landscape Maintenance, Inc. | 919-921-6502 |
Gray, John | Plymouth Country Club | 252-793-3908 |
Green, Brian | Lonnie Poole Golf Course | 252-659-2296 |
Gregory, Mike | Vereens Fertilizers | 919-812-5913 |
Greig, John | Star Hill Golf Club | 252-393-7620 |
Griffin, Justin | FLC Professionals | 919-631-1262 |
Haley, Darrell | Haley’s Lawn Care | 919-585-2083 |
Hammonds, Mitchell | Washington Yacht and CC | 252-402-9202 |
Harper, Jake | The River GC | 989-252-1522 |
Hart, Tim | Eastern Turf Equipment | 919-353-2157 |
Hall, Daryl | Roanoke Country Club | 252-217-4506 |
Hasse, Donald | Wayne Community College | 919-583-4679 |
Heckler, Rick | Beechwood Country Club | 252-395-1059 |
Hernandez, Anthony | Star Hill Golf Club | 252-393-7620 |
Hernandez, Emiliano | River Bend Country Club | 252-658-2037 |
Hessman, Dirk | Ewing Irrigation Products | 770-617-9420 |
Hill, Donald | Benvenue Country Club | 252-443-7334 |
Hilton, John | Lifetime Member | 304-564-5935 |
Hinton, Robert | Retired | 919-630-2650 |
Hobbs, Reid | Regal Chemical Company | 919-264-3209 |
Hoffman, Jim | 252-658-2036 | |
Holt, Todd | New Bern Golf & CC | 910-612-2465 |
Horton, Michael | Beechwood CC | 252-312-4925 |
Humphrey, Gary | Oak Island Golf & CC | 910-619-9974 |
Ipock, Andy | CC of Crystal Coast | 252-269-9051 |
Jackson, Don | Retired | 919-440-7227 |
Jacob, David – CGCS | Benvenue Country Club | 252-908-5680 |
James, Bobby | Pea Creek Mine | 252-695-6133 |
Jarman, Evan | City of Kinston | |
Johnson, Joel | Best Sand & Gravel, Inc | Legacy |
Johnson, Lane | Wendell Country Club | 919-915-6600 |
Jones, Bill | Southern Seeds | 800-682-1102 |
Jones, Jack | City of Goldsboro Housing Authority | 252-933-9015 |
Jones, Neil | Buy Sod, Inc. | 910-975-0002 |
Jordan, Dylan | Timberlake Golf Club | 910-990-1043 |
Kallam, Terry | Triangle Chemical | 252-559-0329 |
Kelly, Nicholas | Brook Valley CC | 252-514-5930 |
Kennedy, Mike | Southern Seeds, Inc | 919-614-3979 |
Kilmer, Phil | Emerald Golf Club | 252-633-2259 |
Klein, Greg | Timberlake CC | 919-934-2199 |
Lancaster, Daniel | Wedgewood Country Club | 252-205-1190 |
Lanier, Jim | Emerald Golf Club | 252-633-2259 |
Libby, Damon | Star Hill Golf Club | 252-393-7620 |
Lozier,Joseph Shane | Carolina Family Outdoor | 919-252-2233 |
Lucas, Ph. D. Leon | Lifetime Member | 919-604-4813 |
Magnarella, Mark | Nutra Turf, Inc | 919-394-1221 |
Marlow, Matt | Helena Chemical | 919-830-0345 |
Marshall, Ben | Brook Valley CC | 252-907-5180 |
Martin, Gantt | Geoponics, Inc | 864-901-3404 |
Martin, Matt | Turfgrass Extension Associate | 910-675-2314 |
Mason, Charles | Eagle Ridge Golf Club | 910-890-3354 |
Matthews, Chad | Lane Tree Golf Club | 919-580-7261 |
McCamy, Kevin | Jacksonville CC | 252-337-5067 |
McLean, James | Morehead City Country Club | 607-435-5463 |
Miller, Brent | Smith Turf and Irrigation | 704-512-9118 |
Mills, John | Lifetime Member | 919-648-3535 |
Mitchell, Keith | City of Kinston | 252-939-3337 |
Morgan, Johnny | Olde Point Country Club | 910-616-0177 |
Murrow, Pat | ATCO | 919-545-1903 |
Nance, Jack | Carolinas Golf Association | 910-673-1000 |
Nimmo, Bobby | Cutter Creek Golf Club | 252-717-0805 |
Oakes, Kyle | Nutra Turf | 252-531-3375 |
Olmstead, Roger | Reedy Creek Golf Club | 919-284-5755 |
Parham, Chris | Porters Neck CC | |
Pearson, Chris | FMC | 919-795-2649 |
Pegram, Ted | JRM | 336-345-3570 |
Pennington, Willie | BASF | 919-740-4790 |
Perry, Joey | ECU | 252-371-2857 |
Peters, Ben | Syngenta | 919-214-2054 |
Phelps, Eric | Town of Tarboro | 252-563-8481 |
Phillips, William | Reedy Creek Golf Club | 910-973-1717 |
Pittman, Timothy | Southern Design Lawn and Landscaping | 919-920-7613 |
Pulawski, Joe | Pulawski Enterprises | 919-616-5074 |
Purvis, Josh | Carolina Colours Golf Club | 252-876-1224 |
Quate, TJ | Scotch Hall Preserve | 252-337-5067 |
Ramsey, Drew | 252-717-6927 | |
Redd, Aaron | Bradford Creek Country Club | 571-408-5342 |
Richardson, Jonathan | Green Resource | 910-890-7428 |
Roberts, Scott | 252-527-9464 | |
Rother, Jeremy | Vandemark Farms | 252-885-0212 |
Russel, Bill | The Sound Golf Links | 252-339-6311 |
Schley, Allen |
ECU Athletics | 252-341-2921 |
Schappert, Ryan | Eagle Ridge Golf Club | 984-242-8076 |
Sharpe, Kevin | Southern Seeds, Inc | 800-682-1102 |
Shaw, CT | Landscapes Unlimited | 910-664-0145 |
Simmons, Josh | City of Wilson | |
Smith, David | Green Resources | 910-620-9020 |
Smith, Mike | Nutra Turf | 910-616-1144 |
Snow, Ed | Lifetime Member | 252-946-4798 |
Stark, Timothy | Student | 919-734-1318 |
Stephens, Andrew | Country Club of Johnston County | 336-491-4569 |
Stowe, Sadler | Harrells | 919-770-6864 |
Strickland, Chad | Southern Seeds, Inc | 252-235-3111 |
Stutts, Josh | The River GC | 919-330-7777 |
Sutton, Tyler | Falling Creek CC | 252-560-6476 |
Sutton, Wilson | Emerald Country Club | 252-521-1522 |
Swanigan, Dave | Bayer | 843-364-0772 |
Taylor, Harvey | Taylor Landscape Co | 252-568-3818 |
Tetterton, Randy | The Sound Golf Links | 252-339-6311 |
Tew, Brian | Bradford Creek Golf Course | 252-814-7049 |
Toms, William | Country Club of theCrystal Coast | 252-230-1391 |
Vandemark, Trevor | Vandemark Farms | 252-885-2011 |
VanLandingham, Mike | Lifetime Member | 252-661-0061 |
Von Hofen, Kurt | Harrells | 919-428-6938 |
Warren, Grant | Pine Hollow Golf Club | 919-996-9204 |
Watson, Stephen | City of Kinston | 252-939-3354 |
Wheeler, Ed | Howard Fertilizer | 919-819-8222 |
Whitehead, Anthony | Whiteheads Golf & Turf | 252-290-0400 |
Willey, Mike | Arysta Life Sciences | 919-848-0734 |
Williams, Brian | North Shore Country Club | 910-231-5157 |
Williams, Charles | Charlie’s Lawn Care | 919-222-5357 |
Williams, Keith | Green Resource | 910-622-6909 |
Williford, Bennett | Vandemark Farms | 252-904-6194 |
Willis, John | Falling Creek CC | 252-521-5658 |
Woods, Rob | Wayne Community College | 919-222-5567 |
Worley, Jason | Greenville Country Club | 252-756-2173 |
Tri State Pumps | 910-783-6959 | |
Associate Members | ||
Art Bruneau, Ph. D | NC Sod Producers Association | 919-302-7971 |
Bert McCarty, Ph. D. | Clemson University | 864-656-0120 |
Bruce Martin, Ph. D. | Pee Dee Research Center | 843-495-0527 |
Charles Peacock, Ph. D. | NC State University | 919-515-7615 |
Chris Hartwiger | USGA Green Section | 678-591-7410 |
Fred Yelverton, Ph. D. | NC State University | 919-515-5639 |
Grady Miller, Ph. D. | NC State University | 919-515-5656 |
Jennifer Jordan-Reynolds | NC State University | 919-513-1131 |
Jim Kerns, Ph. D. | NC State University | 919-513-4820 |
Lane Tredway, Ph. D. | Syngenta | 919-917-3669 |
Lee Butler | NC State University | 919-513-3878 |
Matt Martin | Horticultural Research Station | 910-409-5899 |
Patrick O’Brien | USGA Green Section | 678-591-7340 |
Richard Cooper, Ph. D. | NC State University | 919-515-7600 |
Rick Brandenburg, Ph. D | NC State University | 919-515-8876 |
Travis Gannon, Ph. D. | NC State University | 919-513-4655 |
Travis Gannon, Ph. D. | NC State University | 919-513-4655 |