Author: admin  |  Category: Events  |  Comments (0)  |  Add Comment

ENCTA March 2010 Meeting

Cypress Landing Golf Club Hole #18 NEXT MEETING

Thursday March 18th

Cypress Landing Golf Club

Chocowinity, NC

Host: Stanley Elliott, CGCS


10:00 AM Registration
10:30 AM Topic: Lake/Pond management and Aquatic weed control
Speaker: Tom Reil – Aquatic Biologist, Environmental Consultant
Cliff Edwards – Premier Ponds Inc. Aquatic points available
11:30 PM Lunch
12:00 PM Golf

Please call Southern Seeds by Monday, March 15th at 1-800-682-1102 so we can make adequate accommodations.

Cypress Landing  Golf Club
Author: admin  |  Category: President's Newsletter  |  Comments (0)  |  Add Comment

President’s Newsletter – February 2010

Drew RamseyThe ENCTA had its Fifth Annual Pesticide meeting on February 18th, 2010. The meeting included four hours of pesticide points and GCSAA credits. Rick Brandenburg, professor from North Carolina State University, started the morning off with educational updates on controlling certain pests in the Eastern part of North Carolina. Then, Lee Butler of the NC State Turf Diagnostics Lab came to talk to us on current diseases and new fungicides for Bentgrass and Ultradraft Bermuda grass. The ENCTA supplied the attendees with a great lunch and dessert to help get everyone through the day. Cindy Lauderdale, extension agent from Wilson County, came to talk about controlling weeds in landscapes and ornamental beds. Cindy was a new speaker for us and did a great job answering questions throughout her presentation. Then, we finished up the afternoon with Dennis Sheppard (representative from Syngenta) to talk about growth regulators and how they can help professionals in the industry grow better turf.

The Eastern North Carolina Turfgrass Association is very excited about the upcoming year with hopes of continuing to bring in speakers that will educate our membership and make them a better professional.

If you’re a Golf Course Superintendent in North or South Carolina, please remember to fill out your form Rounds 4 Research that will help our local research facilities. You can go to the Carolinas web site and download a Donation Form. There’s only a few weeks left.

I would like to say “Thank You” to all the vendors who have supported our association for many years and continue to support us in the difficult times.

Golf Agronomics

Revels Tractor

Barefoot & Associates


Halifax Fertilizer

E &S Soils

Tri State Pumps & Controls

Whitehead Golf & Turf

Smith Turf &Irrigation

Bayer Crop Science

Quail Pro

Southern Seeds

Cardinal Chemical


Atco International

Harrell’ Inc.

Best Sand & Gravel

Green Resources

Please remember the vendors who support our Association.